DC Output

Energy System Cartridge

Discover how it can help you
DC Output module

Compatible with:

DC Output cartridge is a module designed to adapt to various operating voltages, and to keep them stable regardless of the load or the type of power supply. The total power available on 4 ports is limited to 400W. The output voltage is not regulated; therefore, it provides exactly the voltage of the output rail, which is generally the output of 54 V power supplies. You can choose between: NCORE-OUT-12V, NCORE-OUT-24V, NCORE-OUT-ADJ (with adjustable output voltage of 29V-48V-54V).


  • 400 WTypical power
  • 1500 VI/O isolated
  • 4Power connector


Fully Managed

It is possible to enable and disable each connector (port) independently and perform power cycles. Each connector is equipped with a current sensor.


Voltage selection

There are 4 options of this module:  fixed at 12V,24V, 54V or with adjustable (ADJ) voltage 29/48 / 54V selected  via Web interface.


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