Security & Video Surveillance


The simple, reliable & scalable power supply solutions created with Security & Video Surveillance applications in mind.

Discover our Key points
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Power supply systems to improve the performance of urban security networks.

It's incontestable that power supply is essential to your video security camera. For ensuring the stability and reliability of your video surveillance system, installers and users should choose a high-quality power supply.

9dot’s ready to help with simple, reliable & scalable power supply solutions designed with Security & Video Surveillance applications in mind.

The key point of our solutions

Unification of supply components (flexibility, mapping, and high power)

With a single device, you can perform all the functions from management to power supply.

No more messy PoEs in the cabinet

Thanks to the modularity that allows you to detach and attach what you need and thanks to the unification of the power supply components there are less mess because all the products are rack-mountable.

Remote power management for each camera, remote reset in case of blocking

Thanks to the web interface, 9dot technologies applied to each cameras can be managed remotely in the event of overload, failure or other forms of malfunction.

Automatic recovery of remote sites

Thanks to remote management it is possible to reduce the number of direct interventions on the site, saving time, money and maintenance.

Possibility to supply camera with heaters and PoE motors

Possibility to supply camera with heaters and PoE motors thanks to 9dot solutions.

Installation flexibility also on DIN bar

The solution can be mounted on a DIN or 2 DIN bar.

Active protection

The entire internal network is also protected in the event of system tampering.

Do you need further information?

Get in touch with 9dot now.

Modular products

8inj and Ncore Lite combination
GigaSync and Ncore combination
SPMS - Smart Power Module System

Get in touch with 9dot now!

Want to guarantee the success of your Security & Video Surveillance projects?
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