720W Terminal Ports with integrated remote control

Discover how it can help you
C-TER version 1.1 product image

C-TER is a compact solution with 4 integrated Terminal ports and remote control

In a single rack unit C-TER offers higher power with minimal heat dissipation and short circuit protection. The integrated controller enables remote management and control with real-time voltage and current readings, all accessible through a clear GUI, SSH or SNMP.


  • CMDremote management
  • 4Integrated Terminal Ports
  • 720WTypical power per Port
  • 6 AWG16mm² per Terminal Port


Simple Installation & Easy Integration

The installation is immediate: the integrated Controller has a local Wi-Fi hotspot for the first configuration that can be performed simply using a smartphone.
The Controller can be integrated in every management system using SNMP which has been completely redesigned with security and functionality improvements. The innovative CPU has a totally improved web interface and shell ssh, as well as a black box for alerts and critical event logging.

Short circuit protection

Each of the 4 ports is protected against short circuit with timed automatic reset, it is possible to enable and disable each door independently and perform power cycles. Each port is equipped with a current sensor.

More power

All the functionalities are contained in a single rack unit, with 15 A (720W/48V) of typical load per Terminal port, ideal for demanding devices like the Tarana G1 Base Node.

Output ports

Output ports are made of 16mm² (6 AWG) bipolar connectors. Thanks to the high power available for every single port, a high number of devices can be remotely controlled, even those requiring a high consumption.

Terminals Ports

All Terminals ports can be connected to routers/switches and all the equipment that needs a controlled power source while transmitting data via fiber.


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