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Power-over-Ethernet is nowadays a widespread method to power devices (radio equipment, WiFi AP, cameras, IoT devices...).
Typically, the power supply of a device cannot be managed remotely, so in a case of failure or malfunction, it is necessary to intervene directly on site. Not to mention the inherent inefficiencies of the power sources for which the devices do not work at their best:

  • Equipment is often installed on poles or masts (sometimes hard to get access), thus subjected to the risk of faults due to surges or short circuits.
  • Equipment often requires high current. If the PoE injector device works close to its max current, the probability of it getting faulty increases.
  • Equipment may be affected by SW/FW block that makes them unreachable and a power off/on is required.

All these aspects lead to long service-down, intervention on-site, costs.

9dot products have been designed to avoid many of these risks and to solve the underlying problem.

Why 9dot

The Problems

Many devices powered over Ethernet have different energetic load requirements.

Having many feeders results in many cables of different size and a messy cabinet.

The feeding of a device can not be managed remotely: in the event of a breakdown or a blackout an intervention on site is required.

The power supply of a device cannot be remotely managed: in the event of a malfunction or power outage, on-site intervention is required.

Inefficiencies in terms of energy loads (devices not operating optimally).

The Solution

A single power supply system able to interface with any device.

Easy to install and to extend, and cabinets always tidy!

Remotely manageable: in the event of a breakdown, overload or reboot, you can intervene from the dedicated web-app.

Every device gets the required energy to work at its best. You can check the real-time consumption of every single device from the web-app.

Our Solutions

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